Re-Organized Thoughts

After talking with Nick, my thoughts have finally come together.  I'm sort of having a rough time and my thoughts are refusing to coalesce into some sort of recognizable patter, so it's taken this long to say what I've been meaning to say.  This is the post I was trying to write a few weeks ago for Food Pantry Feasts' second anniversary.

Through not very much reflection, I've realized that I've been slowly moving the dynamic of the blog away from food, and writing more about our family life and what the children are doing.  However, from some of the feedback that I've gotten, those are some of the best stories.  Okay, that's fine, I like writing about my family--sort of like an online journal. 

I've also realized that this was always my project and I can do whatever I want with it.  I started this blog as a feeler to see if there would be enough interest in a cook-book for low-budget families.  I think that there is; during the weeks that I was posting recipes and stories regularly there was some pretty good page views and positive feedback. 

So my next project is to try to organize some of the recipes and stories into a book.  We are looking at self publishing, and I'm even thinking about offering an ebook version.  If you'd like, please let us know which were your favorite posts and pictures, and we'll try to include them in the book. 

This has been (aside for getting married and having kids) the biggest adventure that I've undertaken, and it has been so much fun.  I've learned a lot, and struggled some, and now I think that this blog has reached it's fruition.  Now, don't think that means that we are going to stop writing, or discontinue this blog.  Our plan is to take some time and refocus our ideas, and then start writing along a different line.  

We love you all, and we hope that you'll join us in our next adventure!
