Quick and Easy

I thought I'd share this bottle of wine with you. Nick found it at Kroger. I don't know if you can see it in this picture, but the label has a window in it and the painting is on the back of the bottle. It's a really good wine. If you get the chance, I recommend you pick this one up.

Dinner tonight was a basic vegetable stir fry with noodles. I prefer noodles to rice; that's just me. I sauteed an onion, a carrot, some broccoli and a mushroom in oil with soy sauce, salt&pepper, ginger, paprika, garlic, curry powder, sage, cayenne pepper and a spoonful of sugar. I also added a tablespoon of the wine. An expensive wine to cook with, but I didn't use that much. Besides, I would rather use it up than let it go bad. I should have used more soy sauce than I did, but we're running out.

I had enough sauce in the wok to simmer the vegetables in; then I tossed the noodles in and coated them in the sauce. It's more of a thrown-together Asian taste than anything, and good for a night like tonight, when I've got a lot to do.

-- Zizi

P.S. That bottle of wine was beautiful. One of the more artistic labels I've seen. -- Nick
