Reflections on Zizi-ology

I suppose I ought to offer some more philosophical reflections.  We’ve had Food Pantry Feasts up for a year now; although we’ve not posted that entire time, we are back to it now—and I think a year of doing something somewhat successfully is cause for reflection and celebration. 
Getting ready for his first motorcycle show!
If I had to give it an average, I’d say that  at least   once   a   day   Nick says,   “I have an idea. . . .”   He is always coming up with great and wonderful things, and I love listening to him.  Even if most of his thoughts don’t pan out the way he’d imagined them, he is dreaming big.  Every once in a while I have ideas too. 
One of the ideas that I’ve had, and been thinking about for a while, was writing a cook book.  I reasoned that I’ve cooked enough food, and developed enough of my own recipes, and cooked long enough while being poor, that I could write a fairly decent cookbook about cooking good meals on a budget. 
Fall, 2011
Nick and I were texting back and forth one night while he was at work, and I jokingly asked if he would help me think of a name for my cookbook.  This was the first that I’d ever said anything about it to anyone.  He took me seriously, and got very excited about it.  VERY EXCITED.  I was shocked at his reaction, it was that strong.  He talked about it for a few days, and then proposed the idea that we blog about cooking on a budget and see if it was popular before we wrote the book and sent it to a publisher.  Thus, Food Pantry Feasts was born. 
And I discovered that I like blogging.  I like sharing stories of life, and food.  I like writing.   I like showing of select pictures of my cute kids.  And this is almost entirely my project, Nick has enabled me to publish my own posts now, and the only thing I can’t do is change the format and background picture.  Nor have I given up on the idea of publishing a cookbook; that’s still in the wings.  I’d even thought of self-publishing a small one in time for Christmas this year.  All I really have to do is format some of the recipes and stories I already have; when I have time. 
Devouring roasted nori--the tastiest thing ever!
Thing One just took half a pack of baby wipe a shoved them, one by one, under his door in protest of nap-time.  At least he has an imagination.   And we’ve lost our internet access again, so I might have some trouble posting for a while, but don’t worry, I will try.   This is something I want to keep doing.  So I am going to try. 
Okay, so that wasn’t so much philosophy as it was rambling on about me.  Oh well.   I also like to talk—and if I blog, I can’t be interrupted! Mwahahahaha!!  Have I also mentioned that we’re learning Italian?
