Eggs and Pancakes

Our recovery is not going as well as I'd planned, mostly because Thing One got sick just as Thing Two was getting better.  But we're all on the mend now and praying that Nick doesn't get it.  I know that I am getting better because I wanted to cook breakfast the other day.  

He was recovering after a day of being sick,
and wanted some time with his sister. 
I was on facebook early one morning  while everyone was still asleep and I came across this blog, and she happens to be one if Nick's cousins.  Well, I saw this recipe, and I got the urge to cook.  Badly.  I was planning on making the frittatas the way that she did, but I went a little overboard.  I added about half a cup of flour and half of a teaspoon of baking powder to her recipe, and baked it in my quiche plate.  That got me thinking about all of the other quiches that I've made over the past few years, and wondering why I had stopped making them.  Eggs didn't really seem appealing when I was pregnant with Mimi, and I'm having some trouble remembering that I like them.  

Yes, I did put it together in my dish drainer.  The kitchen was such
a mess after everyone was sick that that was the only room. 

Anyway,  I also made some banana pancakes to go with the frittata.  I'm not sure if I've given you my pancake recipe before, but it wouldn't hurt to write it again.  

1 Egg
3/4 C milk
2 Tbsp oil
1 C flour
1 Tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp sugar

(And I did that from memory!  I've been working on memorizing that recipe so I wouldn't have to get my book out all of the time.)  The recipe page I have comes with all sorts of variations that you can do, and it suggested adding 1 tsp nutmeg when making banana pancakes.  That was good, and I love nutmeg.  
Golden, fluffy pancakes!  

Bon appetite!


  1. Looks delicious! And I love the picture of Thing One and Mimi. :-)

    1. It's because of you that I found her blog, Thanks!

  2. This looks pretty delicious! After reading your post I am now hungry for pancakes, which is funny because that's one of my upcoming posts as well. :) Hope you guys are on the mend!


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