Summer Fun

This post is mostly just a test to see how easily I can navigate Blogger on my phone, and about transferring pictures. Not all of these are recent, and most of you have probably seen them before. But these are some of my favorites from the summer, and I'll share them again. 

Our little slice of the earth. We have grand plans for
building a house, and an orchard, and, and, and.

Our wonderful priest (who is now retired) would let the boys come and serve daily mass
whenever they wanted, even though they are still too young.  He also met
Jimmy Durante when he was a seminarian. 

Maximus teaching Minimus to ride his bike. Minimus is not ready, but they keep trying.  

Daddy and Maximus "lawning the grass." 

Thingus Maximus, Thingus Minimus, and Mimi the Cute. The royal
princes were off to slay dragons and bad guys, and the princess
followed wih her bottle of juice from the fire-berries of the sun.

Half-way done cooking bun #5. So far as we know we are not having twins.
Baby is due after the new year, and we're not finding out the sex. 

Living room picnic for pizza night. 

Ellie loves kale chips; and she loves being independent.
